ALIN System Implementation Case Studies

Background and Purpose of Implementation

The ALIN system is a new advanced system that has already been implemented and is operational as a treatment facility for medical waste. Considering the rising costs of waste disposal and the environmental burden, the ALIN system was introduced not simply just for neutralization or incineration, but also to address issues related to CO2 emissions and harmful substances.

Case Study of ALIN System
Implementation in a Medical
Waste Treatment Facility

In a medical waste treatment facility constructed in 2018, the ALIN system (5m³ model) was introduced to efficiently process waste collected from surrounding hospitals. Ancillary equipment, such as high-pressure boilers and cooling systems, has been implemented, allowing waste to be treated without incineration. Approximately 7 to 8 tons (1,600 boxes) of waste are processed daily, and the residues after treatment are disposed externally.

Efficient Waste Treatment Operation Model

In the medical waste treatment facility which operates an efficient waste treatment model, six employees operate the ALIN system within two shifts. As noted, the operation can be managed with minimal staffing, leading to an efficient overall operation of the facility. The rapid and environmentally friendly waste treatment provided by the ALIN system contributes to the management of medical waste in the region.

Efficient Waste Treatment Operation Model

In the medical waste treatment facility which operates an efficient waste treatment model, six employees operate the ALIN system within two shifts. As noted, the operation can be managed with minimal staffing, leading to an efficient overall operation of the facility. The rapid and environmentally friendly waste treatment provided by the ALIN system contributes to the management of medical waste in the region.

Future of Sustainable Waste Treatment

The implementation of the ALIN system is achieving significant results in both waste treatment and energy generation. This technology contributes to environmental protection and economic development in local communities, marking an important step toward realizing a sustainable society. In the future, the introduction of ALIN technology is expected to expand more to other regions.

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